Your go-to Garden Center in Corvallis, Oregon
Nursery, Florist & Landscape

Welcome to Shonnard’s Nursery, Florist, & Landscape! We are a family-owned and operated business in the heart of the Willamette Valley for four decades.
At Shonnard’s, we are your planting partners. Our staff are knowledgeable and passionate about plants, shrubs, and trees. Tell us about your planting goals and we will help you pick the perfect additions to your new or existing garden spaces.
Visit Us
Mon-Sat 9am – 5:00pm
Sun 10am – 5pm
6600 SW Philomath Blvd.
Corvallis, OR 97333
Bare Root Plants are Arriving!
Roses, Fruit Trees, and MORE to come!
New inventory of roses and most of our fruit trees are here. We anticipate having our full inventory of fruit trees, blueberries, flowering, and shade trees in stock around early February.
If you placed a pre-order for bare root, then stay tuned to your email for arrival updates, and pick-up information. We will notify you as soon as your items have landed and are ready to pick-up. If you have any questions please call us at 541-929-3524, or email
Bare Root Planting Made Easy
One of the most important things to planting your bare-root plants is to make sure the roots are never allowed to dry out. Follow these planting guidelines for your bare root plant(s): 1. Remove all wrapping and packaging material. 2. Check that roots are moist and...
Bare Root Rose Plants at Shonnard’s
What is Bare Root? Bare root means that a plant has been dug up from growing in the ground and has not been container grown. Roots are left bare but protected, and upon arrival to our nursery the plants are placed in a mulch mix to keep the roots covered. A bare root...
Find PNW Native Plants
We love supporting native habitats of the Pacific Northwest. That’s why our garden center has an entire area dedicated to plants native to our area. Planting native flowers, shrubs, and grasses in your garden spaces helps to provide key habitat areas for native birds, bees, and butterflies. Discover what PNW native species are available now.
From the Blog
Bulk Landscape Materials Available
Are you looking for hardscaping materials for a garden project? Shonnard’s often has bulk materials left over from projects, which we sell to the public. If you are interested, please fill out the form below, with some information about what you are looking for. A...
Grow Love this Valentine’s Day: Thoughtful Gifts are Here
Love doesn’t have to be fancy—it just has to be real. But let’s be honest, a thoughtful gift can help you express this special feeling because love is more than words. This Valentine’s Day, we’re embracing the many forms love can take – romantic, platonic, or even a...
Enjoy Early Blooms: How to Force Flowering Branches
The grey winter days can sap your inspiration for outdoor activities, but you can boost your spirits with an indoor preview of the spring to come. Many of the classic spring blooming trees and shrubs, and a few less common but no less worthy ones, can have branches...
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