Back to School Houseplant Sale – Sept 12 to Sept 22

The back-to-school sale that’s worth it. Reduce stress, and improve your focus and well-being by growing houseplants where you learn, study, or teach!

Starting Thursday September 12th, we welcome you to enjoy 20% off on all houseplants – any size! Sale applies to in-store or online purchases; excludes bonsai plants. Sale ends Sunday, September 22nd.

Free Houseplant Potting – 9/12 to 9/22

Starting Thursday, September 12th through Sunday, September 22nd, we’ll be happily offering free potting for houseplants into the pot of your choice using the premium E.B. Stone Organics Indoor Potting Soil.

For pots that are 14 inch diameter or smaller, we’ll be offering free potting in all of these scenarios:

  • Bring your houseplant(s) and pot(s) you already have that you would like us to pot it into.
  • Bring your own pot, and buy a new houseplant.
  • Bring your houseplant, and purchase a new pot.
  • Buy a new plant and a new pot.

With Purchase During Sale Event, Enter to Win a Raffle Prize!

When you make a purchase of any item or amount during our Back-to-School Houseplant Sale Event, you’ll be offered the opportunity to enter a raffle ticket to win a houseplant-inspired prize. Tickets are limited to one per transaction.

The two prize options will be on display in our store during the sale event. And, as a heads up – one of them is a mystery for the thrill-seekers out there! Stay tuned for more details!

Pop-Up Healthy Roots Houseplant Talk – Saturday 9/21 at 11am

Gather round in our houseplant department on Saturday, September 21st at 11am to listen in on a quick 20-minute talk about how to determine if your houseplant needs to be repotted. This talk will only be offered in-person, and no registration necessary!

Camille Dill, one of our helpful and knowledgeable associates, will give a brief show and tell of a few common houseplants, and what normal root growth looks like.

So boost the mood for the beginning of a new school year, and let plants help you succeed!

20% Off All Houseplants

Starts Thursday 9/12 – Ends Sunday 9/22

Sale applies to in-store or online plant purchases; excludes bonsai plants.

Learn More About Houseplants

From short tutorials on transplanting or figuring out the right pot for your plant, to class recordings on orchid care or plant propagation, you can find the answers to your questions in our Houseplant Series Playlist on YouTube!

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6600 SW Philomath Blvd. Corvallis, OR 97333

MON – SAT 9am – 5pm

SUN 10am – 5pm